Welcome to my Blog...

I am a student with a passion for psychology. I'll share with you what I know so far, and what I'm currently learning. If you have any questions about psychology or being a student, feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help you with an informative answer!

I know not everything I say is going to be life changing, or even mildly arousing, so please be kind (though honest) while making comments on or about my blog. If you read a blog that you liked a while back, an easy way to find it is to look under archives at the bottom of this page.. Hours of Google Search not necessary.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday 7 January 2012

Petition for a Psy.D

Today I was received a package in the mail from the Adler School of Professional Psychology, in it was something that greatly sparked my interest.

This university has a campus in Chicago and in Vancouver, though the one Chicago has something that the Vancouver campus does not... The reason I inquired about the school in the first place, a Psy.D program. For those of you who are not familiar with the Psy.D Degree, it is a Doctor of Psychology (different than the PHD, the Doctor of Philosophy). Here is a link for more information on the Psy.D:

Back to what this post is really about.. in my package was information about a current petition to introduce a Psy.D program at the Vancouver location. This is especially important because the only English Psy.D program currently offered in Canada is at Memorial University in Newfoundland (The states however has many). 

This is a big deal to me because if the petition "works', I'll have two chances at getting into a Psy.D program in Canada instead of just one. This is highly beneficial as going to school in the states would be very expensive and cost me more than three times the amount of going to a Canadian university. 

That being said, I would really appreciate if everyone who reads this blog could sign the petition.
It only takes a moment, and could have a huge impact.
Sign Here

Thank you for taking the time to read this (and an even bigger thank-you if you signed the petition)



  1. Signed :)
    Said There Are 1475 Signatures!

    - Kayla

    1. Thank you Kayla! I grant you one free therapy session with me 6 years from now.

  2. Signed and posted to Facebook and Twitter. I will also be making a blog post of my own about this as I was completely unaware of this. I have always dreamed of getting my Psy.D but couldn't find any suitable options in Canada...this is why lol
