Welcome to my Blog...

I am a student with a passion for psychology. I'll share with you what I know so far, and what I'm currently learning. If you have any questions about psychology or being a student, feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help you with an informative answer!

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Sunday 29 January 2012

Honors Thesis

Hey everyone,

So lately I have been thinking about my Honors Thesis, and what I might like to do research on.
For you students who are unsure what an Honors thesis is, click Here (This link also provides some pointers on how you might go about starting/doing your honors thesis).

A couple of ideas that I have been tossing around in my head are: Yoga as a therapy for depression/anxiety, and the negative effects of cyber-bullying on teens and youth.

Both of these may be difficult for undergraduate level, and I may look into them more for my Masters or Dissertation.

That being said, I would love to hear some ideas that others have, and what other may find interesting.

With the current amount of comments I get on my posts, I am not overly hopeful that I'll get many responses... but I thought I would throw it out there on my blog regardless.

Please take the time to respond, I would appreciate any ideas at all!




  1. I really love the idea of the effect of cyber-bullying on teenagers. It is something that most definitely needs more research as the teen suicide rate gets higher year after year, usually from cyber-bullying. However, cyber-bullying has been around for years and years, perhaps you could tone it down a little for your undergrad thesis and start with how social networking has effected younger generations psychologically. When I was growing up, I remember seeing kids outside, ALL the time, playing with their friends and having fun. When a kid got bullied back then, it was face to face and a few surrounding kids saw it, then it was over. The social networking phenomenon has made it so these bullies can make something so widespread that it becomes viral.

    I did a piss poor job of explaining that. But basically, I haven't done any research on it, but I think it would be safe to bet that bullying, mental illness, and suicide rates have increased in teens significantly since the creating of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking outlets.


    1. I really appreciate your input, and that is a great idea! A good study in general would be to ask if the increase in social networking sites among youth has increased the levels of depression in youth.. and in turn, if more time spent on social networking sites increases youth's risk for suicide.

      I agree with you, I think back all the time to when I was a kid, and when jumping on a pogo stick, and riding a scooter down the street to get your friend was the coolest/most fun thing to do. Now kids sit inside, get next to no exercise, get very unhealthy.. probably having an effect of their psychological development (since the mind and the body are very much connected) .. and so on and so on.

      My kid will not own a lap top at the age of 11 like kids now. Mine will not know what lap top is until 18.. We will have a password protected desk top!

