Welcome to my Blog...

I am a student with a passion for psychology. I'll share with you what I know so far, and what I'm currently learning. If you have any questions about psychology or being a student, feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help you with an informative answer!

I know not everything I say is going to be life changing, or even mildly arousing, so please be kind (though honest) while making comments on or about my blog. If you read a blog that you liked a while back, an easy way to find it is to look under archives at the bottom of this page.. Hours of Google Search not necessary.

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday 22 February 2012

Here is a really fun and entertaining way of explaining 
Classical conditioning.

Enjoy :)

Monday 13 February 2012

Counselling .Vs. Clinical

To anyone who reads my posts (likely no-body),

Lately, I have been so back and forth on whether I would like to be/be better suited for a career as a clinical psychologist or as a counseling psychologist. I know the differences between the two options (If you don't know what they are feel free to ask below), but I keep getting different advice as to which one I am interested in.

God bless my professors hearts, but they are confusing me more than they are helping. When I tell them exactly what I'm interested in, they give me completely different answers. This is probably due to their preference toward their own specialties and degrees, but I'm not really sure where to get a valid answer (No, Google doesn't help. In fact, the amount of people who have no idea what they are talking about are beyond numerous).

This is what I tell them (In short form):

I'm interested in the following:

Helping-- Adolescents, adults, and couples;
With--- Depression (Clinical), Anxiety(Clinical), and Family/Marital Problems (Counseling);
By-- Psychotherapy treatment (and other treatment options);
In--- Schools and Private Practice

They either hear that I would like to counsel people, or that I would like to focus on people with more clinical based problems.

I wish there was a simple answer. But with so many different branches in psychology, it gets very confusing.

That being said, if anyone would like to comment on this, or ask any questions.. I'll be happy to respond.

Thank you for reading,


Sunday 29 January 2012

Honors Thesis

Hey everyone,

So lately I have been thinking about my Honors Thesis, and what I might like to do research on.
For you students who are unsure what an Honors thesis is, click Here (This link also provides some pointers on how you might go about starting/doing your honors thesis).

A couple of ideas that I have been tossing around in my head are: Yoga as a therapy for depression/anxiety, and the negative effects of cyber-bullying on teens and youth.

Both of these may be difficult for undergraduate level, and I may look into them more for my Masters or Dissertation.

That being said, I would love to hear some ideas that others have, and what other may find interesting.

With the current amount of comments I get on my posts, I am not overly hopeful that I'll get many responses... but I thought I would throw it out there on my blog regardless.

Please take the time to respond, I would appreciate any ideas at all!



Friday 20 January 2012

Where's Waldo? In the therapists office of course!

I couldn't think of anything to talk about today,
so here is a clever little cartoon.

Comment if you like it! 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

What would you do?

Everyday I try and think of something interesting to talk about.. and by the amount of followers I currently have, I'd say that I'm doing a horrible job.

So today I thought that I would ask my readers a question, to try and get you involved... and maybe to see who actually reads my blogs. I know someone is.. those 120 views are coming from someone.

In the many psychology and (and even sociology) courses that I have taken, time and time again this topic comes up, and it should, because many people have to face them in their careers everyday (Doctors for example).

Moral Dilemmas.

In simple terms it means choosing between two options, where either option you pick one benefits and another is harmed.

So here is my question (no I did not make it up.. I am not that philosophic):

"One day you are walking around and see that a train/trolley has lost control. The brakes have stopped working! You look further up the track and notice that the train is going to run into a brick wall if it continues on its current path. However, in front of you is a lever. If you pull this lever, the train will turn onto a different path. On this other path, a man is working on the tracks and has his earmuffs on (he can not hear anything)... he will die if you pull the lever. If you do not pull the lever the 5 people on the train will crash and die.  You have 10 seconds to choose."

Without creating crazy scenarios and "what ifs"...

What would you do?

Please answer in a comment below.
Thank you for reading,


Monday 16 January 2012

Possible Job in the Field!

I came across a job opening for qualitative research assistant!
Just having completed a semester on the subject, I'm pretty hopeful (and confident).
And Nervous.

Attaining this position could set me apart from the rest of the graduate applicants in the future... This could be a major factor (research experience) of getting accepted into the program I'm looking at.
And now that I'm typing this out, it's making me kind of sick... because honestly, I'll be kind of devastated if I'm not good/qualified enough to be hired as a research assistant. If no one wants me at an entry level, who is going to take me later on? It is not often that P.E.I posts research positions on Kijiji or the Job bank, and psychology research positions are almost unheard of. So it is really rare that this kind of opportunity arises, making me that much more nervous.

For those psychology hopefuls reading this...
You should involve yourself with as much psychology experience as possible before applying to a graduate program. It could be paid work, or volunteering. It can be in a clinical setting (like a mental health facility or a hospital) or in a research setting. In fact, it is advised that you get experience in both. Because, not only will you look more desirable to the people who sift through hundreds of applications, but you will also look more desirable when being interviewed (because, in theory, you'll have more experiences to draw from, and more valuable things to talk about).

Here are the requirements for the research assistant position that I've applied for:

"The person(s) hired in this role would work as a member of the research team.  Their tasks would include:
-       Conducting literature searches
-       Transcription of qualitative data
-       Coding and entry of research data
-       Data entry
-       Basic data analysis
-       Assisting with report writing
-       Continuous monitoring of data received from operational sites
-       Additional research related tasks"
I have experience with 90% of this thanks to my Psychology 278 qualitative research course. So don't ever take a course and think that what you're learning is useless. The other 10%, I will learn if I am hired.. and then I will be able to list off 100% of those skills listed above on my graduate school application.
Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Bringing my two passions together! Psychology and Fitness :) 
I love this Cartoon!
